
We invite you to become a member of RGS. Whether you are just discovering who your great grandparents are or have found ten generations of ancestors; whether you are a novice researcher or an experienced genealogist - find the support you need with people who share your interests. You truly will make friends and find family.  Check out the benefits and membership levels below. Then simply click the New Member Link to complete the form and payment selection.

Membership Levels...

Membership Level

Membership Rate

  • RGS Individual /Joint
  • Student
  • Organization
  • Sustaining
  • Lifetime (one time fee)
  • Canadian Membership
  • Two-year Membership


  • A subscription to the quarterly newsletter "Hear Ye Hear Ye" sent via email.
  • Participation in our  DNA Interest Group (DIG), Technology Interest Group (TIG), and Writers Group.
  • Free admission to the annual Genealogy In Bloom event held each spring.
  • Access to our surname and members lists to find others researching the same family names, via the Members Only section of our website.

Member Spotlight

RGS Member Profile: Christine Antalek      

Joined RGS in 2024

I am a retired Secondary School English Teacher and School Administrator, and I have had a keen interest in genealogy since high school, when my mother's family re-connected with cousins living in West Germany.  When I retired, one of my goals was to honor my father's family by completing his lineage, which led me to becoming a member of Canandaigua Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).  I now serve as the chapter's Registrar, and I help other prospective members by doing genealogical research for their applications.  Since all of my mother's ancestors have deep roots in the city of Rochester and Monroe County, I am pleased to be able to join RGS and to take advantage of all there is to learn as a member.