Help Scan and Save Local History

Volunteers Needed for RGS Digitizing Local Town Records

Last year RGS purchased Vivid-Pix scanning equipment and software to upgrade the digitization
efforts of our Church Records Preservation Committee. This new scanner digitizes more records
in less time and reduces mishandling of original documents. Last fall, we scanned over 500
photographs and artifacts for individuals at the Greece Historical Society and Museum and
Ogden Farmers Library. Since that time, the RGS Board has been contacting local towns to offer
our scanning services.

We currently have projects ready to begin with the Towns of Rush and Brighton but volunteers
are needed.
If you are interested, please complete our online volunteer form, click here.

Documents for the Town of Rush Historian include their auction poster collection, portraits of early local residents, and Civil War letters written by James Clapp who was Killed at Little Roundtop.

This summer, a student intern from Nazareth University working for the Town of Brighton
uncovered a collection of birth record applications from the early 1940s. After discussing with
Dan Aman, Town Clerk and Records Management Officer, we have permission to digitize this
small collection, which is about one-third of a cubic foot box. Additionally, RGS will be assisting
to help scan and preserve the town's marriage record books.

RGS is excited about helping to preserve these records and to make them more accessible for
future generations. If you have ideas/suggestions for future projects, please email