Black History Month Resources

From the National Genealogical Society:
Black History Month in the United States can trace its roots nearly 100 years back to a 1926 celebration of Black history held on the second week in February, which coincided with the birth dates of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. Although the names and dates of the recognition have evolved over the past century, the purpose remains to honor the contributions of the Black community in American history.
Genealogical advances and the availability of records that were difficult or impossible to access in the past make this the best time in history to research African American heritage.
If you’re looking for help getting started, check out for upcoming events that relate to African American research. This month there are many events spotlighting the importance and the how-tos of Black genealogy. There are also guides such as African American Genealogy on the FamilySearch Wiki and the African American category on Cyndi’s List.
Below are additional resources that may be valuable to family history research.
This list represents a fraction of what you can find for African American family history research. Remember, always check collections for new records and resources.