DNA Interest Group

The DNA Interest Group, meets six times per year on the second Tuesday of the month from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm.  Current Meeting Months for 2023: January, March, May, July, September,  and November.

The mission and goal of the DNA Interest Group is to educate RGS members about DNA and how to utilize it to help in your genealogical research. 

If you are interested in presenting for DNA or would like more information about future programming for the DNA Interest Group, please contact Celeste Veloski, DNA Interest Group Chair at DNA@nyrgs.org

DNA Interest Group Events

DNA Analysis: How Do I Know I'm Right?

Kelli Jo Bergheimer is a writer, teacher, editor, and international genealogical speaker. Kelli holds a Bachelor’s... ...Read More...

DNA Resources

International Society of Genetic Genealogy- The mission of the International Society of Genetic Genealogy is to: Advocate for and educate about the use of genetics as a tool for genealogical research while promoting a supportive network for genetic genealogists.

Additional DNA Resources are available in the Members Only Area of the RGS Website. Not a member, join today.